The Other missions and Offers with their description come from dragondream's egosoft forum topic. Station Hack | Buy Asteroid Information | Buy Sector Information | Buy Used Ship | Buy Blueprints Adding a brand new universe to explore, ships, race specific stations, missions, scripts, utilities, BBS news, Plots and much much more. Patrol | Defend Station | Retrieve Stolen Ship | Xenon Hold Position | Xenon Patrol | Deliver Wares Treasure Hunt | A New Home | Aldrin Expansion | Balance of PowerĪlbion Prelude | Operation: Loose Ends | Shady Business | Corporation TroublesĪssassination | Transport Passenger | Return Ship | Follow Ship | Transport Cargo | Scan AsteroidsĮscort Convoy | Build Stations | Deliver Matching Ship | Destroy Convoy | Transport Passengers | Freight Scan Terran Plot | Operation: Final Fury | Goner Plot | Hub Plot | HQ Plot These services charge the player money, but can be very useful at times. the NPC offering it, and they will be given a proposal.

Offers Are given by NPCs, and while not strictly missions, are "offered" in the same fashion as Other Missions - e.g. Rewards are often large, but do not have to be, so the player would be wise to be careful which missions they follow. The player will typically get used to them fairly quickly. While it might appear to have the largest variety of mission types, these missions are randomly generated. Other missions are the sort you find offered by people on stations or in ships - they are typically just people who need help and are willing to pay for it. A good example of this is the Terran Plot, where the player will have to patrol sectors, capture ships, and deal with large (potentially Universal) Catastrophes.

you see less in the universe map but bigger sectors. 1 chrane 6:28am hit the home button when in universe map it make each sector bigger.
Consequently, Nividium may only be collected through Mobile Mining. There should be a magnifying glass that lets you expand it to a full screen type deal. Currently, there are no Nividium mining stations available for acquisition in the X-universe.
Plot missions each follow a narrative, and are usually a series of "Quests" or "Missions", creating a story arc. Overview edit Nividium is a very expensive commodity. In x3, there are three classes of mission - Plot Missions, Other Missions and Offers.