
Owen total drama
Owen total drama

As Harold berates him for smashing a window in the first challenge and calls him a traitor, he repels the victim using his farts, implying that he cannot handle criticisms.In "2008 A Space Owen", he smashed the window on the zero-gravity simulation, which explains why Harold calls him a traitor.In "Crouching Courtney, Hidden Owen", he sabotaged the girl’s controls for the robot suit Beth was wearing, which made them lose the challenge.

owen total drama

He spies on the contestants, so that he can tell them what to do in advance.In the same episode, he stole 5 pennies (which is 6 in reality) after he lifted one of the mattresses in the sofa and jumped on a bed in the set, and crushed Lindsay who was sitting on it, without regard for her safety and well-being.In "Rock n' Rule", Chris brought him back to the show as a saboteur, and he agreed to it.He made fake puke, brought it to school, and dumped it on his fellow students and teachers.When he went to fat camp, he ate all the food that was served and the kids didn’t have anything to eat for a week.In the 5th grade he knocked his little brother down the stairs and blamed his other little brother.He stole his uncle’s hair and glued it to a goat at a petting zoo in the 4th grade.In the same episode, he admitted that he’s done some questionable things:.In the same episode, he tried to eat his own TEAM, because he was so hungry, so Lindsay and Beth were forced to wired his jaw shut so he wouldn’t go too far.Plot Hole: If he ate all the tools, then how is his organs survive? In real life, eating those will hurt their organs and they will suffer from internal bleeding.In "Ocean's Eight - Or Nine", he ate his team’s bank robbing tools, because he couldn’t control his hunger.In "Full Metal Drama", he refused to drink the remedies to help with his constipation, leaving Leshawna to drink them instead.In "The Chefshank Redemption", he put Flakes in the Gappher’s prison food, which was very gross.He agrees with Justin and his lies that Gwen and Trent were in an alliance, and it gets even worse in "The Chefshank Redemption", where he wants her to lose challenges for her team.Even after he drank the water, he still gets quickly exhausted in the roping challenge, and that’s one of the reasons his team lost.But it’s understandable since Owen would have normally landed on the horse, but the horse didn’t want to be crushed by his huge weight.

owen total drama

  • In "3:10 To Crazytown", he chased the horse to jump on it and get his team a point, which was cheating but Chris allowed it anyway.
  • In the same episode, he ate his team’s sandcastle and barfed sand on Lindsay.
  • In "Beach Blanket Bogus", he ate the green bracelet Beth gave him.
  • In "Alien Resurreggtion", he purposely got himself out of the challenge, though it’s understandable since he needed the bathroom.
  • owen total drama

    Although, the other trailer was squished right after, and both trailers were rebuilt. When he did win, by burping out the key, he picked the squished trailer.In the same episode, he ate all of the fake food props, not even caring what the actual challenge was, finding the key in the props.In "Monster Cash" it took him 10 and 1/2 hours to walk 3 city blocks.In Action, he went from a hilarious and pretty friendly guy to a very unfunny and obnoxious person who doesn’t always help people.

    Owen total drama